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Manusia dan Pilihan.

March 23, 2024 Leave a comment

Dalam situasi ideal, kehidupan dewasa anak manusia bisa dibilang adalah kumpulan dari pilihan dan pilihan. Mulai dari pilihan makanan yang dikonsumsi, pilihan tempat menimba ilmu, pilihan bidang profesi yang dikerjakan, juga sampai ke pilihan perihal pasangan hidup.

Menariknya, dari pengamatan yang saya lakukan, dan juga berdasarkan pengalaman, seringkali, seolah-olah, akibat dari suatu pilihan itu selalu akan lebih besar kemungkinan pada aspek negatifnya.
Misal dalam pilihan membuka usaha yang sering dilihat adalah kemungkinan gagalnya, atau dalam hal pernikahan yang sering terbayang adalah perpisahannya.

Padahal bila diingat lebih dalam, kemungkinan dasar hasil dari sebuah pilihan adalah selalu 50:50 sampai ada aspek tambahan yang memberatkan salah satunya.

Maksudnya begini, jika dalam hal pengambilan keputusan untuk melakukan pernikahan, maka kemungkinan dasarnya akan selalu 50 persen berhasil, dan 50 persen bercerai. Sampai ada aspek tambahan yang memberatkan salah satunya.

Misal: sejak masa perkenalan salah satu pihak sudah sering melakukan kekerasan fisik. Maka itu bisa dimasukan ke hal yang memberatkan pada perceraian nantinya. Anggaplah prosentase kemungkinan keberhasilan pernikahannya jadi menurun ke 40 persen, dan prosentase kemungkinan perceraiannya meningkat jadi 60 persen.
Dan tentu bisa juga sebaliknya, jika ada hal-hal baik yang mendukung, maka bisa jadi prosentase keberhasilannya akan meningkat melebihi prosentase kegagalannya.

Begitu pula pada keputusan di bidang lain, hukum ini akan selalu berlaku: setiap keputusan pada dasarnya akan selalu mempunyai kemungkinan 50:50 sampai ada aspek tambahan yang memberatkan salah satunya.

Mulai dari saat ini, penting bagi kita semua untuk selalu mengingat itu. Dan penting juga untuk lebih merinci hal-hal apa saya yang bisa memberatkan salah satunya agar dalam setiap pilihan yang kita ambil bisa menghasilkan keputusan-keputusan yang lebih baik.


Categories: Uncategorized

Perjalanan: Bekasi Surabaya Bersepeda 2024

January 23, 2024 Leave a comment

Setelah sekian tahun tidak pergi, pada Januari 2024 ini saya memutuskan untuk melakukan perjalanan lagi, sendiri. Antar Kota Antar Provinsi.

Beberapa perjalanan sebelumnya saya tempuh menggunakan sepeda motor, kali ini saya menggunakan sepeda, iya betul sepeda pancal, tanpa ada motornya. Hehe.

Jika dihajar lurus ke timur, jarak tempuh total perjalanan dari Bekasi menuju Surabaya “hanya” 800 Kilometer, bukan jarak yang jauh jika menggunakan kendaraan bermotor. Tetapi dengan bersepeda, jarak itu membutuhkan setidaknya 4 hari untuk saya menyelesaikannya.

Saya bertolak dari Bekasi hari Senin 15 Januari 2024 sekira pukul 5.15 pagi, dan baru tiba di Surabaya hari Kamis 18 Januari 2024 sekitar pukul 18.00an, saat adzan maghrib sedang berkumandang.

Melalui jalur PANTURA sampai ke Semarang, lalu berbelok ke jalur tengah sesudahnya.
Kurang lebih begini rincian perjalanan saya.

Hari pertama, dari Bekasi menuju Cirebon, dimulai sekitar pukul 5.15 pagi hari, total jarak tempuh 241 Kilometer, selesai sekitar jam 8 malam, dengan waktu jalan sekitar 11 jam. Perjalanan cukup lancar, dengan cuaca cerah, dan hanya gerimis saat memasuki kota Cirebon.


Hari kedua, dari Cirebon menuju Kendal, perjalanan juga dimulai sekitar pukul 5.15 pagi, total jarak tempuh 183 Kilometer, dengan waktu jalan sekitar 9 jam 40 menit. Sampai di Kendal sekitar pukul 8 malam juga, karena sejak sore hari saat memasuki kawasa alas roban hujan mulai turun, beberapa kali harus menepi karena angin yang cukup kencang dan hujan yang cukup lebat.


Hari ketiga, dari Kendal menuju Cepu, perjalanan dimulai sekitar pukul 5.55 pagi, total jarak tempuh 185 Kilometer, dengan waktu jalan sekitar 11 jam 6 menit. Perjalanan hari ketiga ini juga diselingi dengan hujan lebat sejak menjelang sore hari, jadi harus beberapa kali berhenti, ditambah fisik yang juga mulai menurun karena kehujanan di hari sebelumnya. Saya baru bisa sampai di tempat menginap sekitar pukul 21.30 Rabu malam.


Hari keempat adalah jarak terpendek, perjalanan dari Cepu menuju Surabaya, dengan total jarak 155 Kilometer saja, dengan waktu jalan sekitar 8 jam 21 menit. Dimulai pukul 5.40 pagi dan berakhir pukul 18.00 di waktu maghrib. Perjalan ini juga mendapat tantangan hujan lebat dan angin kencang saat hendak memasuki Gresik dan Surabaya.


Oh iya, setiap harinya saya menginap di Masjid dengan meminta ijin kepada pengurus sebelum atau setelahnya, semisal di Cepu, karena saya baru sampai sekitar pukul 21.30 lewat, di masjid sudah tidak ada orang. Alhamdulillah, di pulau jawa ini masjid bertebaran di seluruh penjuru.

Abid, Bekasi – Surabaya, Januari 2024.

Categories: Uncategorized

Petuah Internet: Signs of maturity in a man.

November 17, 2023 Leave a comment

– Men need to understand that there’s nothing special in the body of random women you meet on the street / Internet.

– On difficult days, being extra gentle with ourselves is maturity at its peak.

– Maturity is seeing someone’s lack of effort as their lack of interest in you no matter what they say

– You don’t get fit eating everything. You don’t get wealthy spending everything.

– Resist the urge to regret. Regrets are like old textbooks, you’ve already learned the lessons.

– Your urges are your biggest enemy. Learn not to argue for nothing.

– Self-acceptance shouldn’t stand in the way of self-improvement. Recognizing that you’re good enough today doesn’t prevent you from getting better tomorrow.

– Setting boundaries is not a display of disrespect . It’s an act of self-respect.

– We’ve to be grateful for things. It’s too easy to be ungrateful. It’s too easy to not appreciate the simple things in life.

Souce: quora, berbagai sumber.

Categories: Uncategorized

Petuah Dari Internet 6

March 7, 2023 Leave a comment

Healthy life hacks:

Standing whenever possible

Carry bag on both shoulders

Use speakers or headphones

Wear straight jeans

Stand with relaxed knees

Wear loose belt

Sleep in loose clothing

Wearing platform heels

Use thinner wallet in side or jacket pocket

Thanks for reading 🙂

Some Amazing Facts
Quora: Swatantra Kumar

Categories: Uncategorized

Petuah Dari Internet 5

March 5, 2023 Leave a comment

Apa yang harus dilakukan atau lebih diperhatikan saat memasuki umur 30an?

1. Thirties are crucial for your health, your ignorance may make you grow old much faster. Each day one hour of physical activity, and managed diet is a must. Trust me, it’s the most important aspect of the thirties when many adults catch health-related ailments. It’s a final call to forming lifelong healthy habits.

2. Finding your space in this world, in your twenties are an experimentation phase, in your thirties, you must look for a world of your own, how do you want to see your entire life? Your path, vision, objectives, materialistic, relationships, spiritual, and long-term goals are wise. Bring clarity but don’t make a comfort zone.

3. Building the right mindset to stand by yourself and live on your own, to be with yourself in this journey forever, you can’t rely upon ageing parents anymore. Managing stress levels is the key. It’s high time to realise that this is your journey.

4. To overcome past regrets, any guilt, lifelong dreams, and ignored passions and hobbies. Pick them, make a part- time start, make them your backbone, practise, enjoy and grow.

5. Two key goals are securing old age, how you will respectfully survive alone, and manage health, and fulfilling your lifelong wishes and bucket lists, making yourself happy, spending on yourself, enjoying travelling, adding experiences, enjoy life but responsibly. Don’t just entangle yourself in the knot of responsibilities.

6. Spiritual awareness would help you a lot in the coming years, religion, philosophy, good books, good words, deep thinking, relaisations, discussions, introduce spirituality in your life if you still haven’t, it’s again a must have tool of happiness and awareness.

Anubhav Jain

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Petuah Dari Internet 4

November 30, 2022 Leave a comment

1 Start a friendship first then the relationship.

2 Treat people how you want to be treated.

3 There’s a special power in responding and not reacting in life.

4 Anyone that comes on strong sexually in the beginning of a relationship isn’t relationship material.

5 Health is more important than I thought and trying to get it on track at 46 is more difficult than if I was 26.

6 When someone shows you who they are the first time believe them. Don’t wait for them to give you a second and third viewing.

7 A person that cheats and lies to you doesn’t value you as a person and definitely never respected you.

8 I’m my best friend. And at times I will be all I have. I need to love my own company and if I don’t, I need to figure out why.

9 You’re never to old to switch careers or do something you love. You will never know unless you take risk.

10 Stop saying tomorrow. Today is your tomorrow. Nothing changes if all you do is think about what you need to do.

11 That person your chasing, you know, the one that lied, cheated and betrayed you? You can do so much better. You don’t believe me? Clean your side of the street and watch who appears in your life.

12 When you put your awareness and lessons into action will come wisdom. With that wisdom you can do some amazing shit.

13 Pay careful attention to the most painful challenging times in your life. There’s a hidden lesson. Sometimes you have to search for it and sometimes you have to repeat the pain to find the hidden gem.

14 Alcohol doesn’t make things easier. It won’t make your relationship more manageable. It won’t make you more confident. It won’t make you forget the shitty things you do to people. And it definitely won’t make your life better. But it will add to your problems, ruin your health, ruin friendships and relationships with the shitty choices you make while hammered.

15 Relationship hopping isn’t the answer. Sit with yourself until you know “you.” Getting your identity from someone else will set you up for misery.

16 And finally, your past is your past. Learn from it and move on. It doesn’t define you Just don’t justify shitty behavior and use your past as an excuse to be a manipulative asshole.

Categories: Uncategorized

Petuah Dari Internet 3

November 29, 2022 Leave a comment

1. Never shake a man’s hand sitting down.

2. Don’t enter a pool by the stairs.

3. The man at the BBQ Grill is the closest thing to a king.

4. In a negotiation, never make the first offer.

5. Request the late check-out.

6. When entrusted with a secret, keep it.

7. Hold your heroes to a higher standard.

8. Return a borrowed car with a full tank of gas.

9. Play with passion or don’t play at all…

10. When shaking hands, grip firmly and look them in the eye.

11. Don’t let a wishbone grow where a backbone should be.

12. If you need music on the beach, you’re missing the point.

13. Carry two handkerchiefs. The one in your back pocket is for you. The one in your breast pocket is for her.

14. You marry the girl, you marry her family.

15. Be like a duck. Remain calm on the surface and paddle like crazy underneath.

16. Experience the serenity of traveling alone.

17. Never be afraid to ask out the best looking girl in the room.

18. Never turn down a breath mint.

19. A sport coat is worth 1000 words.

20. Try writing your own eulogy. Never stop revising.

21. Thank a veteran. Then make it up to him.

22. Eat lunch with the new kid.

23. After writing an angry email, read it carefully. Then delete it.

24. Ask your mom to play. She won’t let you win.

25. Manners maketh the man.

26. Give credit. Take the blame.

27. Stand up to Bullies. Protect those bullied.

28. Write down your dreams.

29. Take time to snuggle your pets, they love you so much and are always happy to see you.

30. Be confident and humble at the same time.

31. If ever in doubt, remember whose son you are and REFUSE to just be ordinary!

32. In all things lead by example not explanation.

33. Dress how you want to be addressed


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